Monday, March 22, 2010

I’ve bought it!

Guys, I’ve just published the previous post just a while ago when I found out about this product, Clickbank Cash Supreme, I immediately checked out Warrior Forum which is where lots of affiliate marketeers congregate to talk about, yes, affiliate marketing :D

Now that’s a valuable information isn’t it? There are a couple of forums out there just for affiliate marketing. This proves that affiliate marketing is a gold mine. As of right now, there are more than 3000 active online members in that forum itself!

thank you page

Well well well, this is the THANK YOU page of the ever-esteemed Clickbank Cash Supreme.  I got the download link immediately after paying Clickbank through Paypal. Clickbank is the largest affiliate manager out there, and so is Paypal popular for their services. If any of you out there still think that this is a scam, it is not, because these huge sites will ensure that these sort of things don’t happen to protect their brand. Also, Clickbank Cash Supreme has a 90% conversion rate, which is huge!

Now, what is conversion rate. In the affiliate marketing world, conversion rate means that out of all those who visited the site, 90% of them bought the product! That is phenomenal!

==> Click here

How is this possible? Doesn’t sound very believable isn’t it? Well, considering that this product has just been newly launched, about a week ago, most of the buyers and visitors are affiliate marketeers themselves.
See, we get the news earlier because we communicate within our affiliate marketing community and participate in forums and such. So, when there is an impending launch, there will be a hype going on amongst us marketeers. Note that we already about the product weeks before the actually LAUNCH itself!
This Paul Walters has a great track record, even with his previous ebook (which I just found out of) that shot up to rank 6 during it’s launch in Clickbank. Impressive I must say!

Now, he has repeated history itself! Because of his powerful ebooks previously launched, marketeers don’t think twice before purchasing, because his methods have been proven. Marketeers also have mailing lists (accumulated over the years) so that they can inform their lists on great products, and the earlier they know about it, the cheaper it is! (special launch price).

Hence, the 90% conversion rate.

==>Click here if you're ready to get your copy

With that, if you’re interested, join my mailing list so that I can inform you on cool launch/offers as well as internet marketing tips for free.

No spam. Just helping you achieve! :)

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